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Nirodha's Meditation Retreat with Vinny Ferraro 9.-13.6.2025

This is Nirodha's meditation retreat. You can find further information of the retreat on our website

You will receive an invoice as a virtual barcode by in another email. Virtual barcode is a long series of numbers which includes all the payment details. You can easily copy the barcode number and paste it in the virtual barcode field at your bank. You'll find a field by selecting first the barcode, then the virtual barcode. If you wish to pay via Paypal, please contact us!

Päivämäärä: 09.06.2025 00:00 – 13.06.2025 00:00

Tapahtumapaikka: Friendhip Inn, Kruusila

Järjestäjä: Nirodha ry (Marianne & John Woodbury - registrations)


Avoinna olevien paikkojen määrä: 20

List their type (vipassana/zen/etc), duration and the teachers with whom you have practiced. Approximate information is OK if you don't remember the details.
E.g. depression, eating disorder, drug/alcohol addiction, anxiety disorder, psychosis, etc? If yes, please give details of condition(s), treatment(s) and date(s).
Examples include flashbacks, nightmares, and having difficulty with attention.
If yes, please give details of condition and medication.
If so, please state when.
(=spouse, relative, close friend?) If yes, please list the name/names.
Please describe the details and be as specific as possible. E.g. "allergic to red bell pepper" => "allergic to raw red bell pepper, but is ok if it's cooked or powder".
For example personal special requirements or any circumstances which might be placing you under additional stress or make meditation difficult for you.
Person should be someone who is not attending to the same retreat.
Nirodha's retreats are phone, internet, and email free. To allow the full potential of meditation practice it's important to give the mind a break from all devices. You'll be provided with an emergency phone number so others can contact you if necessary.